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This is Shakespeare and my story. What's yours?

A dog's unconditional love story by @marloweandshakes | Hound and Friends

Name:  Natalie Amaya
Dog's Name:  Shakespeare
Breed:  Border terrier mix
Age/Years of friendship:  10 years
Where did you get your dog from:  Oakland Animal Services
Location:  California, USA
Social Media Link: www.instagram.comMarloweandshakes


We had two cats and one sweet little dog named Jilly when I came across Shakespeare's photo on the local shelter's website (Oakland Animal Services). We were living in a one bedroom apartment, but I knew we were getting ready to move to a house soon, so I was determined to get the little guy out of there! I visited him three different times at the shelter, but my husband was resistant. The third time, I had convinced my co-worker to come with me and take some photos. When my husband finally saw the picture of me holding him, he said he couldn't say no! So we made one fourth trip back and the woman at the front desk said, "Are you sure? He's a hyper terrier, he was an owner surrender and has already been returned once." But I was determined to make it work.

As adorable as he was, she was right, he was not an easy dog... I have always adopted from shelters and rescues, and Shakespeare is the only dog that's been a challenge-- but he was worth it! When he first moved in, he immediately marked the whole house and decided to do all he could to drive the cats crazy. But he loved Jilly! We took him to training classes and kept our eyes on him at all times with the cats. He was slowly getting better and then one day while we were out, he discovered how "yummy" memory foam pillow cases are... That sent him to the vet for a few days with a huge bill and two nervous parents. When we finally got him home, we realized how much he had grown and what a special part of our family he had become. I think he realized how much he appreciated us too and made a huge turn. He's still a little anxious sometimes, but he has come a long way and even gets along with the cats!

One of the most wonderful parts of Shakespeare is how caring he is for his family. When we adopted him, Jilly was about 8 years old. He would follow her around and kiss her all day long. As she got older, she started to lose her hearing and eventually her sight. Shakespeare became her eyes and ears, letting her know when it was time for dinner or when there was a pesky squirrel in the backyard. I can't imagine how her last few years would have been without Shakespeare by her side. 

Now my little man is 11 and he's an excellent big brother to his little sister Marlowe and all of the foster pups we bring into our home. He's strong and healthy and he's the cutest little grumpy old man. He was worth all of the trips to the shelter and the little extra effort in training. I can't imagine sleeping without his head on my toes!


This is Shakespeare and my story. What’s yours?

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