This is Molly and my story. What's yours?

Name: Missy Carmichael
Dog's Name: Molly
Breed: Shih Tzu
Age/Years of friendship: age unknown, 1.5 years of friendship
Where did you get your dog from: SASS Rescue
Location: Ohio, USA
Social Media: and
Our family had never rescued before. All of our dogs had come from breeders, some we learned later were not reputable to say the least. After being so involved on social media for a while, we were learning that the stigma of rescue and shelter dogs wasn't accurate. There are instances when best intentions don't work out, but we kept seeing so many happy stories of people finding so many wonderful fur babies that adapted and flourished when they became a part of a family with love and care. We began following SASS Rescue on Instagram after I researched for a Shih Tzu rescue here in Ohio. The work that they do for these dogs is incredible. My mother and I would literally fall in love with a pup every week! I already had two dogs and was unable to have another at the time. My mom and I saw Molly and had to figure out a way to adopt her. She was a puppy mill survivor, exact age unknown, with a sweet little tongue that stuck out all the time due to lack of teeth. Molly went to live with my parents, brother and Lucy their Brussels Griffon in October 2015. She was very shy and timid, but eager to embark on her new life. She still makes great strides to this day. She has become such an affectionate and sweet little girl. She loves her cozy beds and blankets, she dances for her meals and enjoys all the things that the first several years of her life she was deprived of. Rescue dogs are not less than or irreparably damaged. They can and will become wonderful companions and family members if given the time and patience to allow them to thrive. Our family is so grateful to SASS Rescue for all the love and hard work they do.
This is Molly and my story. What's yours?
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