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This is Judy, Judge, Justice, Jury and my story. What's yours?

A dog's unconditional love story by @judgejudylim | Hound and Friends
Name: Hazel Iris Lim
Dog's Names: ย Judy, Judge, Justice and Jury
Breed: ย Yorkie, Norwich Terrier, Yorkie and Schnorwich
Age/Years of friendship: ย 5 years, 3.5 years, 1 year and 6 months
Where did you get your dog from: ย Judy and Jury were gifts, Judge was sorta rescued from his supposed forever home, Justice was supposed to be sold but I asked to take care of him instead
Location: ย Manila, Philippines
Social Media Link: ย

I used to live in Canada, but bad decisions had me coming back to my hometown. I was depressed, "alone" and had nothing to look forward to in life. Then came Judy! She and her 3 sisters were being sold by my brother and when I came back home, Judy was the only one left. She already had a buyer but I begged my brother to let me keep her instead and eventually, he did! Judy and I have always been attached to the hip. You'd rarely see one without the other. I clung to her for dear life and she supported me through my darkest times. Now, I was diagnosed with separation anxiety which I am actually proud of. Judy has made me a better, happier person. She taught me to be patient, compassionate and responsible.ย I've always loved dogs but never thought I could take care of another life andย now, I have 4 dogs! They are the craziest, wildest, funniest bunch I know. Without my 4Js, I would surely be living an empty life. So thank God for dogs!

This is Judy, Judge, Justice, Juryย and my story. What's yours?
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