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This is Jayna, Bullet, and my story. What's yours?

This is Jayna, Bullet, and my story. What's yours?
Name:  Teresa Tang
Dog's Name: Jayna & Bullet
Breed:  German Shepard 
Age/Years of friendship:  Jayna is 8 years old & Bullet is 4 years old
Where did you get your dog from:  family
Location:  Orange County, California
I remember when my brother brought Jayna home from the breeder and I fell in love with her immediately! Her head and paws were too big for her body… Little did I know she was going to be my best friend. My life has changed ever since I got her.
I was a recovering addict and rape victim. Jayna has helped me heal my body and rehabilitate myself. During this time I was going through countless 12 step meetings and many challenging self discoveries. Having Jayna and raising her from a baby was the best time ever! I had a partner in crime when it came to running, swimming in the ocean, hiking, and many other physical activities I was hesitant to do alone. I remember her training to run marathons with me and we ran 2-3 miles every day then increased the miles. I would take her to run 5-6 miles of hills to my friend Asad’s house. We would both be so tired he would have to drive us home. She was my road-dog!
My dog Jayna is not just a dog. I talk to her and treat her as a friend. I remember nights where I would be so joyful about something and she would rejoice, play and dance with me when I got home. Then there would be nights where she would comfort me and was my shoulder to cry on. She has really been a companion to me and is the smartest dog. She will protect me when we are out and she is always the star of the show people since everyone loves her and she loves them!
Jayna is an expert treat catcher and loves all balls. She has traveled to many places with me like Mountain High, local hiking spots, and Santa Monica Pier, and even got to experience a Vegas trip. She has experienced many obstacles in her life and was hit by a car and started having some hip issues. She later got into a vicious fight with a raccoon and almost died because of infections. The recovery time was longer after this and I slowed down with taking her for our daily runs. I saw how much pain she was in when we would run, but she would still try. She would cry when I would go without her. That is when I decided to get her a boyfriend.
Bullet is a mixed Labrador / German shepherd with one floppy ear and a pointy one. Bullet is long, lanky and slender. He was brought into the picture as a puppy and Jayna saw Bullet as a baby. They have grown together and have many interests such as running and wrestling. These two are great friends now even though they still get into little fights here and there. They also enjoy barking at birds and other dogs.
I have received endless amounts of love from these dogs. They taught me loyalty, love, and how to nurture something, and it has definitely paid off. I recommend all people get dogs and the world would be a better place!
This is Jayna, Bullet and my story. What’s yours?
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