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This is Goku and my story. What's yours?

Hound and Friends Unconditional Dog Love Story by @nguyen.stephy

Hound and Friends Unconditional Dog Love Story by @nguyen.stephy

Name:  Stephanie Nguyen
Dog's Name:  Goku
Breed:  chihuahua/shihtzu
Age/Years of friendship:  7 months
Where did you get your dog from:  Family friend
Location:  Austin, TX
Social Media Link:


I recently had to move home the beginning of the year due to financial stress. I didn’t have any friends and I was slowly getting depressed. One day, my stepdad brought Goku home and I immediately fell in love. I focused all of my energy in him and we became close. My mom couldn’t take care of him properly and wanted to take him to the pound, but I fought for him. I couldn’t stand him being ripped away from me like that even though I was still struggling. He gets me active, is my closest confidant , and I couldn’t do life without him.


This is Goku and my story. What’s yours?

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